Narrative Text, Pengertian dan Contohnya

Narrative Text, Pengertian dan contohnya

Pengertian Narrative Text
Sebelum membahas tentang tujuan dan ciri-ciri narrative text dan contohnya, mari kita pahami dulu apa itu pengertian narrative text. Jika merujuk pada wikipedia, maka yang dimaksud dengan narrative text adalah: “a narrative (or story) is any report of connected events, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, and/or in a sequence of (moving) pictures”. Atau jika diterjemahkan, maka yang dimaksud dengan Narrative text adalah jenis genre yang rangkaian peristiwa atau ceritanya dari waktu ke waktu dan dijabarkan dengan urutan awal, tengah dan akhir. Jadi harus kronologis, maksudnya kronologis itu diceritakan secara runtut dan tidak boleh loncat-loncat.

Tujuan Narrative Text
Tujuan dasar dari text narasi adalah untuk menghibur dan menarik minat pembaca dengan menyajikan cerita atau peristiwa yang memiliki masalah yang menimbulkan konflik dan pada akhir cerita ada resolusinya atau akhir yang bahagia atau bahkan menyedihkan. Sebenarnya teks narrative tidak hanya terbatas pada cerita yang berbau mistis, fiksi, legenda, dongeng ataupun fabel saja, tapi cerita lain yang berbentuk petualangan, misteri dan semua bentuk cerita. Intinya, narrative text adalah tentang cerita. Tapi dalam pelajaran di sekolah, teks yang bergenre naratif biasanya hanya digunakan untuk menunjukkan cerita fiksi seperti dongeng ataupun legenda saja.
Jika dilihat dari jenisnya, maka narrative text yang sering dimaksudkan oleh bapak ibu guru adalah termasuk kategori Narasi Sugestif, yaitu teks yang tujuannya agar pembaca mendapatkan hikmah dari sebuah cerita.

Struktur Umum
Orientasi : set adegan dan memperkenalkan para peserta.
Komplikasi : krisis, konflik, atau masalah muncul.
Resolusi : krisis atau masalah tersebut teratasi, untuk lebih baik atau lebih buruk.
Re-Orientasi : Opsional (tidak harus).

Ciri-ciri Redaksi Narrative Text
Jika kamu mendapat tugas untuk membuat sebuah tulisan dengan genre narrative text, maka ciri-ciri di bawah ini bisa dijadikan pedoman:
-            Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti seperti “I, we, she, he”.
-            Paling sering menggunakan past tense baik itu simple past tense, past continuous, maupun bentuk past tense lainnya.
-            Terkadang menggunakan dialog untuk mengajak pembaca berimajinasi sehingga ceritanya terlihat lebih jelas dan nyata.
-            Karena berurutan (kronologis), maka biasanya juga menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) agar cerita terlihat runtut atau urut.

Contoh Narrative Text:

The Ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped and fell into the water.
She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
Not long after at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.
Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.

1.      Narrative Text Fable

The Fox and the Grapes
One afternoon a fox was walking through the forest and spotted a bunch of grapes hanging from over a lofty branch. “Just the thing to quench my thirst,” quoted the fox.
Taking a few steps back, the fox jumped and just missed the hanging grapes. Again the fox took a few paces back and tried to reach them but still failed.
Short StoriesFinally, giving up, the fox turned up his nose and said, “They’re probably sour anyway,” and proceeded to walk away.
moral: it’s easy to despise what you cannot have.

2.      Narrative Text Legend

Lake Toba
Once upon a time, there was a fisherman called Batara Guru Sahala. He lived in Batak land. One day, he caught a fish. But he was really shocked to know that the fish could talk. The fish begged Batara Guru to release it. Then he did it directly.
But another surprise happened again when the fish changed into a beautiful woman. It made Batara Guru felt in love at once. Then he asked her to marry him. The woman agreed to marry for one condition that he must never tell anyone about the secret that she was a fish he caught. Batara Guru agreed to promise her about it.
Several years after marrying, they were happily married and had two daughters. Every morning Batara Guru went fishing. His daughters always delivered his lunch. One day, a bad thing happened when his daughters ate his lunch instead of bringing the food to Batara Guru. They ate it because they were so starving in the middle of the trip. But Batara Guru Sahala did not care about it. He got very angry with them. He shouted at them and said,”You two acted exactly like a fish’s daughters!”. His daughters didn’t understand what it meant. Then they went home and told her mother about what their father say. Knowing that Batara Guru Sahala broke his promise, she was really angry. She did not forgive Batara Guru even though he begged her to apologize him.

2.  Narrative Text Legend

Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih
There was a beautiful girl called Bawang Putih, She lived with her cruel step-mother and a naughty daughter, Bawang Merah. Both of them always treated Bawang Putih rudely as if she were a servant. Bawang Putih had to do all the house duties all day long, such as cooking, sweeping, washing their clothes, while they were going around, shopping. Bawang Putih often cried in her room. She really missed her mother.In one morning, Bawang Putih washed clothes in the river. But she panicked to find out her step-mother’s favorite gown. She walked along the river to find it. While searching for the clothes near a forest, she met a kind hearted giant. The sky was turning dark, so the giant asked her to stay in its house for a night. Bawang Putih helped the giant to clean its house. The giant really liked her because she was very diligent, then it gave her two gourds as a reward, a small one and a big one. Bawang Putih told it that she just wanted to help not a reward, so she chose the small one. When she opened, it was full of gold and jewelry.
When she returned to home, bawang putih step-mother was very happy and grabbed the gold and jewelry from her. But she was so greedy that she asked Bawang Merah to act as Bawang Putih in order to get the jewelry. But even she acted like bawang Putih, the giant still knew her laziness and it really hated her. But the giant still gave her two gourds. Unlike Bawang Putih did, because of her greediness, Bawang merah chose the big one. Unfortunately it was full of snakes, not gold and jewelry as she wished.

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